Toolkit The best design tools for professionals. All 3D Graphic Mobile Productivity Prototyping Research UI UX Web After Effects CC Experience the impossible with the newly enhanced After Effects CC. It comes with powerful features like a Live 3D Pipeline with Maxon Cinema4D software and a new Mask Tracker. ... 3D 3D Aperture Aperture is an advanced photo tool that combines the control and speed professionals need for demanding photo tasks with the easy learning curve iPhoto users require. It has bee... Graphic Graphic Axure Axure RP provides the necessary tools for wireframing, prototyping, and specification to make informed design choices. It helps persuade skeptics, ensures your design is built t... Prototyping Prototyping Balsamiq Mockups At first glance, Balsamiq Mockups may seem disorienting due to the minimal interface elements. However, as you delve into the tool, you’ll discover it’s packed with powerful fea... Prototyping Prototyping BugHerd BugHerd is a visual bug tracking and project management app built for web developers and designers. It lets you report issues directly on a website with a simple point and click... UX UX Cheetah3D Cheetah3D is a robust and user-friendly 3D modeling, rendering, and animation application, specifically developed for OS X. It allows you to dive into the world of Computer Gene... 3D 3D Cloud CloudApp offers a straightforward file and link sharing solution for Mac users. Simply drag a file to the CloudApp icon in the menu bar, and the rest is handled for you. A link ... Web Web Coda 2 Welcome to Coda 2, the most innovative and incredible all-in-one editor for your web code. It’s the editor you’ve always wanted! Coda 2 is bursting with features but without blo... Web Web ColorSnapper ColorSnapper is the missing color picker for OS X. It’s an easy-to-use tool that allows you to quickly identify the color of any pixel on the screen. Activation is simple, via ... UI UI Composite – Prototyping Tool Composite offers a novel approach to creating interactive prototypes by automatically connecting to your Photoshop® document and transforming your mockups into interactive proto... Prototyping Prototyping Dropbox Wherever You Are: Store your files in Dropbox and access them from your computers, phones, or tablets. Edit documents, automatically upload photos, and share videos from anywher... Productivity Productivity Droplr Droplr simplifies file sharing for Mac users. Just drag any file to Droplr’s icon in your menubar, and it will provide a short link for easy sharing with anyone. It supports a w... Productivity Productivity Ember Ember is your digital scrapbook of things that inspire you - be it websites, photos, apps or other things. Just drag in images that you want to keep, organise them into relevant... Productivity Productivity Emmet LiveStyle Emmet LiveStyle is a plugin for live bi-directional CSS editing (editor↔browser) of a new generation. It currently works in Google Chrome, Safari, and Sublime Text, with more br... Web Web Flinto Quickly Create iOS Prototypes Flinto strikes the perfect balance between fast prototyping and realism. Prototypes run on iPhone or iPad and can be shared with anyone. The Flint... Prototyping Prototyping Framer: Prototyping Tool for Animation and Interaction Framer is a powerful prototyping tool designed for creating animations and interactions on both desktop and mobile platforms. It offers a range of features that make it a valuab... Web Web GitHub GitHub: A Platform for Code Sharing GitHub is a premier platform for sharing code. It is used by friends, co-workers, classmates, and even complete strangers. With a user base ... Productivity Productivity Hammer Hammer is an excellent tool for building HTML websites. It comes with a variety of features: HTML Includes: With Hammer, front-end developers don’t need to run local se... Web Web Heroku Build and Run Your Apps, Your Way: Heroku supports Ruby, Node.js, Python, and Java so you can use the languages you already know to build and deploy apps on Heroku. Add-ons: Us... Web Web Hype Hype: Create Beautiful Animated and Interactive Web Content Hype’s HTML5 output works on all modern browsers and mobile devices like iPhones and iPads. No coding required. Hype... 3D 3D Icon Slate Icon Slate: A Comprehensive Icon Tool Icon Slate is a versatile tool that allows you to easily compose, import, and export icons in various formats for both desktop and mobile ... UI UI Illustrator CC Meet the most powerful and connected Illustrator® ever. The new Touch Type tool gives you even more control over type. You can move, scale, and rotate individual characters know... Graphic Graphic ImageAlpha ImageAlpha is a powerful tool that significantly reduces the file sizes of 24-bit PNG files. This is achieved by applying lossy compression and converting the files to a more ef... Web Web ImageOptim ImageOptim is a tool that optimizes images. It reduces disk space and improves load speed by finding the best compression parameters and removing unnecessary comments and color ... Web Web InDesign CC InDesign® CC is faster, sharper, and more connected than ever before. It boasts under-the-hood improvements and native 64-bit support, making work on even the most complex docum... Graphic Graphic InVision InVision: Where Product Design Meets User Experience Design InVision is a platform that bridges the gap between product design and user experience design. It provides a suite o... Prototyping Prototyping JPEGmini JPEGmini Lite: Put Your Photos on a Diet! JPEGmini Lite is a powerful tool that reduces the file size of your photos by up to 5X, while maintaining their original resolution, q... Web Web Keynote Create stunning presentations effortlessly with the all-new Keynote. It features user-friendly tools and dazzling effects that will make your presentation stand out. Theme Choo... Prototyping Prototyping LICEcap LICEcap is an intuitive and flexible application that can capture an area of your desktop and save it directly to .GIF (for viewing in web browsers, etc) or .LCF. It is designed... Prototyping Prototyping LittleIpsum LittleIpsum: The best Latin text generator for OS X. Incredibly quick and lightweight. Completely free! Option to wrap generated text in HTML tags. Generates words, se... Productivity Productivity Maya Autodesk Maya 2014 3D animation software offers next-generation display technology, accelerated modeling workflows, robust new systems for handling complex data, and inspiring n... 3D 3D OmniGraffle OmniGraffle 6 has been completely redesigned and comes with a host of new features. These include: Integrated Inspector & Stencil windows full of improved tools and upgr... Prototyping Prototyping POP - Prototyping on Paper Have an app idea? Draw it on paper and use POP to make it run on your phone! The workflow is ridiculously simple: Design on Paper Take Pictures Link & Play Complic... Prototyping Prototyping Pen and Paper Hello, reader! If you don’t own a notebook and a nice pen, please do yourself a favor and stop reading this and go out and buy one. Make it a habit to use it. You’ll soon realiz... Productivity Productivity Photoshop CC Photoshop CC offers more freedom, speed, and power to make incredible images real. With the latest update, you can design for screens faster than ever with real-time image asset... Graphic Graphic Pixa Pixa is the ultimate image organizer for your Mac. As a designer, you own a vast amount of images, and it can be challenging to keep them organized. Pixa manages your pictures, ... Productivity Productivity Pixelmator Pixelmator is a full-featured and powerful image editing app for the Mac. It takes full advantage of the latest Mac technologies, providing speedy, powerful tools that let you t... Graphic Graphic Play by Play Featured in Apps Enhanced for Mountain Lion! Play by Play serves as your courtside announcer for the popular design community, Dribbble. This app provides a detailed account of... Productivity Productivity Quartz Composer Quartz is a vital graphics service for applications, composed of two main parts: The Quartz 2D graphics API The Quartz Extreme windowing environment The Quartz 2D graphi... 3D 3D Reflector Your iPhone or iPad on Your Computer: Ever wanted to see your iPhone or iPad on a larger screen? Play games, watch movies, demo apps or present to your computer from your iPhone... Productivity Productivity Skala Preview Skala Preview is a powerful tool that allows you to send pixel-perfect, colour-accurate design previews from your Mac to your iPhone or iPad. This feature enables you to test va... Mobile Mobile Sketch Sketch is a powerful tool with an elegant interface, all in a single award-winning package. It’s designed to make creating beautiful things a joy, not a burden. Key Features ... UI UI Sketch Mirror Sketch Mirror is a companion app for Sketch on the Mac. It allows you to preview your designs from the Mac on your iOS devices over Wi-Fi. Key features include: Swipe on you... Mobile Mobile Skitch Make your work perfect with Skitch. Skitch allows you to communicate your feedback and important ideas instantly. Here are some of the key features: Fast, Friendly Feedback ... Productivity Productivity Slicy Slicy is a tool designed to streamline the process of turning PSD elements into images for the Web and Apps. Here are some of its key features: ✔ Simplified Workflow - Simply n... Productivity Productivity Sublime Text Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup, and prose. You’ll love the slick user interface, extraordinary features, and amazing performance. Here are some thi... Productivity Productivity UserTesting UserTesting: The Fastest Way to Get Feedback Get videos of real people speaking their thoughts as they use your website or mobile app. Here’s how it works: Step 1: Pick Your T... Research Research Vim Vim is a highly configurable text editor, designed to facilitate efficient text editing. It’s an enhanced version of the vi editor, which is distributed with most UNIX systems. ... Productivity Productivity Work in Progress Work in Progress is a tool that enables you to receive quick feedback for your ongoing projects from the network of Creatives at Behance. Key Features: Capture your screen t... Productivity Productivity iA Writer iA Writer: A Practically Ideal Writing Environment “I thought TextEdit was simple until I tried Writer” - Erik Spiekermann Innovative Writing Technology Convert Markdown t... Productivity Productivity