iA Writer

iA Writer: A Practically Ideal Writing Environment

“I thought TextEdit was simple until I tried Writer” - Erik Spiekermann

Innovative Writing Technology

  • Convert Markdown to Microsoft® Word 2007 .docx, and back again
  • Auto Markdown subtly formats your text on-screen without taking your hands off the keyboard
  • Focus Mode (patent pending) helps you write one sentence at a time, one thought at a time
  • Reading Time tells you how long it takes to read your text

“A better tool doesn’t make a better craftsman, but a good tool makes working a pleasure.”


  • Focus Mode (Command-D)
  • Full Screen (Control-Command-F)
  • In-app preview panel (Command-R)
  • Auto Markdown
  • Reading Time, plus word and character count
  • Custom typeface, carefully set for optimal readability
  • Easy-to-find strong blue cursor
  • Real-time iCloud sync with folder support
  • Ready for Retina displays
  • Markdown ⇄ Microsoft® Word 2007 converter


  1. Currently ONLY LATIN ALPHABET LANGUAGES, GREEK AND RUSSIAN are officially supported (NO Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Thai, Hebrew, Arabic etc support… yet).
  2. Writer has no settings: with Writer you cannot fumble with fonts and colors. All you can do is write.
  3. Writer uses plain text files, such as .txt and .md in “UTF-8” encoding.

Talk to Us

  • Visit www.iawriter.com for information about Writer
  • Visit support.iawriter.com for articles, support and discussion
  • Let us know what you think on Twitter @iAWriter

We look forward to hearing from you! — Information Architects Inc.