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Pixa is the ultimate image organizer for your Mac. As a designer, you own a vast amount of images, and it can be challenging to keep them organized. Pixa manages your pictures, helps you find them, and quickly exports files. Improve your design workflow with this ultimate image organizer.
Want to try Pixa? We have a demo available on our website.
One App to Rule Them All: Pixa supports a wide range of file types including:
- AI
- GIF (yes, even animated ones)
- Pixelmator
- Acorn
- Sketch
- Pixelmator
- Pixen
The Power of Live Folders Unleashed: With Pixa, you don’t need to change the way you work. Organize your files on disk, and Pixa will monitor every folder change. You can re-organize your project’s assets without moving the originals. If you keep your collection on an external hard drive, Live Folders will be your best friend.
Increase Your Teamwork Collaboration: Add your Dropbox folder as a Live Folder, and you will have a constantly up-to-date Library. Using Open Meta, all your tags and notes will be automatically synced through Dropbox.
Smart Tagging Simplifies Your Life: Pixa offers automatic tagging by color and size. It supports the import of IPTC and Open Meta tags and the export of Open Meta tags and notes. Pixa will keep the link of images dragged from the web.
Improved Search: Search through all your library for color, size, or file name. Pixa offers duplicate detection on import and advanced search capabilities.
Quick Export Your Results: Export your work with one drag using integrated presets. Create new presets by selecting file type, size, and archiving.
One Click and You Are on the Cloud: Connect Dropbox or CloudApp and share your pictures with one click. Use the Cloud capability with Quick Export to quickly present your work to your customers or friends. Share on Imgur.
Screenshot Your Inspirations: Capture all the screen, a part of it, or a window with customizable hotkeys. Grab full webpage snapshots. All screenshots are auto-tagged by size and color.
Begin a New Work with Assistance: The template system lets you create files directly from Pixa. Built-in templates like iOS icon and HTML grids are here to speed you up. Create your own templates from images you frequently use.
Fine Workmanship: A Loupe tool lets you check your images pixel by pixel. The Loupe picks the colors and copies them to the clipboard in many useful formats (HTML, RGB, CSS3…). The information panel shows Metadata associated with the images.
We Love OS X: Pixa comes with the powerful Mountain Lion share menu. All the interface is touch-enabled to get the best from your trackpad. Pinch to zoom, swipe to scroll – all the gestures you are used to. Quicklook and Full screen integration.